Axalta Donates €50,000 to STEM, Environmental Stewardship Causes in EMEA

  WPCIA Washington February 11, 2020

  Axalta donated a total of €50,000 ($54,606.25) to support Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) or environmental stewardship causes across Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), thanks to an employee initiative called Axalta in Motion.

  Axalta in Motion took place in September 2019 and challenged EMEA employees to take as many steps as possible in 24 hours, both at home and at work. Local activities promoted teamwork and increased the step count.

  Once the first annual challenge was completed, five Axalta countries in EMEA were selected at random to donate €10,000 each, as well as to volunteer time, to an organization nominated by employees.

  The countries and organizations are:

  Belgium: Natuurpunt is an independent voluntary association that protects vulnerable and endangered nature in Flanders;

  Germany: Nabu NRW is an organization of volunteers committed to full-time nature conservation work in the North Rhine-Westphalia region;

  Italy: WWF is an independent international organization dedicated to the defense of nature and the environment;

  Switzerland: Pro Natura Basel supports projects that safeguard valuable protected landscapes in Basel and the surrounding region;

  UK: Queen Mary’s Grammar School, Walsall, which is part of a multi-academy trust called The Mercian Trust and which supports students in the STEM subjects

  “Axalta supports environmental stewardship programs around the globe to promote clean water and air and to protect habitats, so we are delighted to contribute to these five organizations, who are aligned with our ethos of conservation and sustainability," said Yves Kerstens, Axalta’s VP and president for EMEA. "Lending our assistance to an educational body whose key focus is STEM subjects is also vital to Axalta because it is science and technology that drive our innovation and manufacturing platforms.”